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But I have a challenge to put out to all of you for next year and beyond! Seeing that list of California State Parks that are closed this summer should be a wake up call to everyone, that it could happen in your state, to the trails that you love to hike.
For all my friends in Oregon who have been lamenting that they don't have anything like the Washington Trails Association
Trail Keepers of Oregon is here!!
They don't have a Hike-a-thon YET, but you can definitely sign up and get out there and work to help maintain trails in Oregon!!
Anywhere along the Appalachian Trail you can get involved through the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.
In California, Oregon and Washington, there is the Pacific Crest Trail Association.
Mount Washington in New Hampshire has a great hike-a-thon over a weekend every year called Seek the Peek . It is already over for this year, but perhaps next year some of you guys could get involved!
In Colorado, there is the Colorado Trail Foundation.
In Tennessee there is The Tennessee Trails Associaion
Ohio has the Buckeye Trail.
In Florida, there is the Florida Trail Association and goodness knows the Florida Trail could use some work!!
Texas has the Texas Trails Network.
New York has the Finger Lakes Trail Conference.
Another great way to get involved in your neck of the woods is to see if the Sierra Club has an active chapter in your state.
We like to get out and use the trails, and there are a million ways for us to support the trails with our time and money. I am sure that you have seen a bridge over a stream that was an Eagle Scout project! But we can't always rely on the Eagle Scouts to maintain our trails!!
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Amanda's Page
Ryan's Page
and make a donation. We need your help to keep Washington's Trails open and hikeable!! And shoot me an email if you'd like to get together to do a hike. I will try to work you into my schedule. Ryan and I would love to see more of our friends and family out on the trails.
Checks should be made out to WTA and can be sent to PO Box 16131, Seattle, WA 98116
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