Ryan and I spent 2 days in Paris last year and I visited
Les Bouquinistes along the Seine. It was there that I purchased these two antique postcards. The top postcard depicts Les Bouquinistes in the 1890's. These outdoor bookstalls run along both sides of the Seine and it has been described as the only river in the world to run between two bookshelves. Today, the stalls sell secondhand books and other ephemera including new and antique postcards and other tourist items. The second postcard depicts a very famous train wreck at the
Gare Montparnassse.
Ryan and I stayed at a hotel a block away from this train station. Ryan then went on to hike the French portion of the Camino de Santiago, it is an ancient pilgrimage trail to the Cathedral in Santiago. You can virtually hike the trail on his new website!