Monday, May 11, 2020

Postcards 2020 Wrightsville Beach Oceanic Hotel

Oceanic Hotel:  I do not always show the backs of the postcards, but this one was interesting. It was mailed to Elmer in Pennsylvania from Edwin in Wisconsin and it is postmarked from Cameron, WI, so I assume Edwin mailed it after he had already come home from his Wrightsville Beach vacation. The vast majority of my cards do not have messages on them or were never mailed so I find that the messages are often a lot of fun and are very interesting to me.

One of the most popular hotels at the beach was the Oceanic Hotel. Folks would come from all over to make the Oceanic their home for the summer.
An article in the Wilmington StarNews  newspaper from the 1920's tells how popular the resort was:
“Much of the social life, gaiety and general life peculiar to the seashore resort is seen all day long in the capacious and attractive lobby of the Oceanic hotel where the guests assemble for conversation, card parties, concerts and impromptu dances. Usually in the morning from 11:30 o’clock til 1:30 p.m. and from 7:30 till 8:30 p.m., the lobby assemblage numbers 200 to 500 and it is there that the beauty and the gallantry ... of eight or ten states mingle. The Oceanic with its lobby life, its concert assemblages, its social functions, its tete-a-tete corners contributes one of the crowning features of resort routine.”
The Oceanic Hotel (located where Tower 7 Baja Grill is today) was destroyed by fire in 1934. It was never rebuilt. 

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