Friday, February 28, 2025

Postcards 2025: Layovers and Visits with Family and Friends


In February, I spent time with friends and family in Poland and San Francisco in addition to my trips for work. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Postcards 2025: Places I travel

 This year, I am doing something new. I will be displaying some postcards at the end of each month, showing the places that I travel to each month. So there might be a lot of repetition. You will be able to see what kind of trips I do each month. Maybe you can figure out my favorite layovers!! 

Also, you might see the city where you live and think, "why didn't she call me??"  Well, sometimes my layovers are only 12 hours or even less. So I spend my time sleeping instead of visiting. Just be assured that when I do have a long layover, I will be reaching out to visit with my friends and family.